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Packages in tag sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing

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Packages 1 through 50 of 223 >>>
ID Name Tag ascending sort Owner Included?
8028 rh-perl530-perl-inc-latest sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7980 rh-perl530-perl-IPC-SysV sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7967 rh-perl530-perl-experimental sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8156 rh-perl530-perl-LWP-Protocol-https sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7962 rh-perl530-perl-Env sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7971 rh-perl530-perl-File-Path sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8014 rh-perl530-perl-threads-shared sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8067 rh-perl530-mod_perl sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8044 rh-perl530-perl-Locale-Codes sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8091 rh-perl530-perl-Devel-LexAlias sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8032 rh-perl530-perl-Capture-Tiny sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8043 rh-perl530-perl-Text-Glob sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8065 rh-perl530-perl-Path-Tiny sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8111 rh-perl530-perl-DynaLoader-Functions sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8110 rh-perl530-perl-Term-Table sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8053 rh-perl530-perl-Class-Inspector sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8138 rh-perl530-perl-HTTP-Message sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8142 rh-perl530-perl-IO-Tty sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8119 rh-perl530-perl-Text-Template sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8109 rh-perl530-perl-Date-ISO8601 sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7947 rh-perl530-perl-IO-Compress sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7974 rh-perl530-perl-Filter-Simple sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8146 rh-perl530-perl-IO-Socket-SSL sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7953 rh-perl530-perl-Config-Perl-V sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8093 rh-perl530-perl-Class-Method-Modifiers sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8077 rh-perl530-perl-Variable-Magic sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8034 rh-perl530-perl-Module-Build sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8150 rh-perl530-perl-HTTP-Negotiate sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8071 rh-perl530-perl-Test-File-ShareDir sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7990 rh-perl530-perl-Params-Check sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7943 rh-perl530-perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8016 rh-perl530-perl-Time-HiRes sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7966 rh-perl530-perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8015 rh-perl530-perl-Unicode-Collate sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7995 rh-perl530-perl-PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8005 rh-perl530-perl-Term-ANSIColor sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8144 rh-perl530-perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7973 rh-perl530-perl-File-Temp sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8153 rh-perl530-perl-File-Listing sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8130 rh-perl530-perl-DateTime-TimeZone sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8037 rh-perl530-perl-DBD-Pg sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8118 rh-perl530-perl-Encode-Locale sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8087 rh-perl530-perl-Devel-Caller sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8038 rh-perl530-perl-Devel-StackTrace sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7944 rh-perl530-perl-Module-CoreList sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7946 rh-perl530-perl-Socket sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8002 rh-perl530-perl-Pod-Usage sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
8054 rh-perl530-perl-Class-Tiny sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7935 rh-perl530 sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
7994 rh-perl530-perl-PathTools sclo7-rh-perl530-rh-testing sclo yes
Packages 1 through 50 of 223 >>>