Thu, 09 May 2024 10:21:47 UTC | login

Packages starting with "p" owned by rdobuilder

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Packages 1 through 50 of 211 >>>
ID Name Tag ascending sort Owner Included?
7165 package cloud7-openstack-queens-candidate rdobuilder yes
7230 python-osc-placement cloud7-openstack-queens-candidate rdobuilder yes
363 python-pymemcache cloud7-openstack-stein-candidate rdobuilder yes
5707 python-icalendar cloud7-openstack-stein-candidate rdobuilder yes
3794 python-keyczar cloud7-openstack-stein-candidate rdobuilder yes
5157 python-s3transfer cloud7-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7376 python-urlobject cloud7-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7377 python-logbook cloud7-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
171 python-oslo-i18n cloud7-openstack-ussuri-candidate rdobuilder yes
766 python-cliff-tablib cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
640 python-cryptography-vectors cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
231 python-dtopt cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
5168 python-pycxx cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
2360 python-snowballstemmer cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
46 python-sphinx_rtd_theme cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
2358 python-sphinx-theme-alabaster cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
429 python-termcolor cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
2347 python-uri-templates cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
692 python-whoosh cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
5137 python-xcffib cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
5154 python-blist cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
4478 python-demjson cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7714 pyelftools cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7727 python-asgiref cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7737 python-raven cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
5682 python-httpbin cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
645 python-pretend cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7740 python-pytest-relaxed cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
352 python-httplib2 cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
5300 python-pytest-timeout cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7752 python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7753 python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7754 python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7756 python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7757 python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7758 python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
592 python-sphinx cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
4510 python-pifpaf cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
5683 python-pytest-httpbin cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
2332 pyxattr cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
638 python-enum34 cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
244 python-pyquery cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7781 python-tinycss2 cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7782 python-cssselect2 cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7784 python-wurlitzer cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
42 python-cov-core cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7785 python-nose2 cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7786 python-parameterized cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
7787 pocl cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
5138 python-cairocffi cloud8-openstack-train-candidate rdobuilder yes
Packages 1 through 50 of 211 >>>