Sun, 12 May 2024 08:12:31 UTC | login

Packages starting with "p" owned by kkeithle

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<<< Packages 101 through 144 of 144
ID Name Tag Owner Included? descending sort
8759 python-jaraco-classes storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8760 python-jaraco-collections storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8235 python-jaraco-functools storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
639 python-rdflib storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8761 python-tempora storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8762 python-portend storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
3083 python-betamax storage9s-ceph-quincy-release kkeithle yes
8401 python-tox-current-env storage8-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8649 python-aiohttp storage9s-ceph-quincy-release kkeithle yes
6749 python-requests-toolbelt storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8659 python-aiohttp-cors storage9s-ceph-quincy-release kkeithle yes
8763 python-setuptools_scm_git_archive storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8233 python-cheroot storage9s-ceph-quincy-release kkeithle yes
8764 python-jaraco-text storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
7135 python-more-itertools storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
4163 python-zope-testing storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
7812 python-toml storage8-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8754 python-zc-lockfile storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8755 python-path storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8756 python-rst-linker storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8757 python-pyfakefs storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
3790 python-wheel storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
7723 python-flit storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8758 python-tomli storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
4023 python-setuptools_scm storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
7718 python-zipp storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
2490 python-oauth2client storage8-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
696 python-fasteners storage8-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8665 python-googleapis-common-protos storage8-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
8830 python-sphinxcontrib storage9s-ceph-quincy-testing kkeithle yes
647 python-cryptography storage8s-ceph-nautilus-testing kkeithle yes
189 python-eventlet storage8s-ceph-nautilus-testing kkeithle yes
2205 python-funcsigs storage8s-ceph-nautilus-testing kkeithle yes
7131 python-notario storage8s-ceph-nautilus-testing kkeithle yes
286 python-paramiko storage8s-ceph-nautilus-testing kkeithle yes
7319 python-pynacl storage8s-ceph-nautilus-release kkeithle yes
272 python-simplegeneric storage8s-ceph-nautilus-release kkeithle yes
358 python-singledispatch storage8s-ceph-nautilus-release kkeithle yes
49 python-gevent storage9s-ceph-quincy-release kkeithle yes
7734 python-pytest-benchmark storage9s-ceph-pacific-release kkeithle yes
7747 python-zope-event storage9s-ceph-quincy-release kkeithle yes
7748 python-zope-interface storage9s-ceph-quincy-candidate kkeithle yes
352 python-httplib2 storage9s-ceph-pacific-testing kkeithle yes
9108 prometheus-cpp storage9s-nfsganesha-5-release kkeithle yes
<<< Packages 101 through 144 of 144